취미와 밥줄사이
그냥 공부기록 - 디스크 컨트롤러 본문
## Disk controller
The disk controller is the controller circuit which enables the CPU to commnicate with a hard disk,
floppy disk or other kind of disk drive.
It also provides an interface between the disk drive and the bus connecting it to the rest of the system.
Ealry disk controller were identified by thier storage methods and data encoding.
They were typically implemented on a separate controller card.
Modified frequency modulation (MFM) controllers were the most common type in small computers,
used for both and hard disk.
Run length limited(RLL) controllers used date compression to increase storage capacity by about 50%.
Priam created a proprietary storage algorithm that could double the disk storage.
Modern disk controllers are integrated into the disk drive as peripheral controllers.
For example, disk called "SCSI disks" have built-in SCSI controller. In the past,
before most SCSI controller functionality was implemented in a single chip, sepate SCSI controllers
interfaced disk to the SCSI bus.
These integrated peripheral controllers communicate with a host adapter in the host system
over a standardized, high-level strage bus interface.
The most common types of interfaces provided nowdays by host controllers are PATA (IDE) and
Serial ATA for home use.
## Disk Controller versus host adapter
The component that allow a computer to talk to a peripheral bus is host adapter or host bus adapter
(HBA, e.g Advanced Host Controller Interface or AHDC). A disk controller aloows a disk to talk to the
same bus. Singals read by a disk read-and-write head are converted by a disk controller,
then transmitted over the peripheral bus, then conveted again by the host adapter into the suitable format
for the motherboard's bus, and then read by the CPU into the memory(RAM).
Sometime there maye by yet another controller between a host adapter and a disk controller - a disk
array controller that allows hareware RAID to be formed. Sometimes it may be even physically intergrated
with with an HBA.